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This list should be a collection of action items for the OpenOffice.org QA project in a release cycle of OOo.

The action items are based on the release maps for each release of OOo. The release maps can be found at OOo wiki on Quality Assurance page (OOoRelease204).

Developer Snapshot

Sun Team will provide a list of all integrated features in the release announcement.

Feature Freeze and/or UI Freeze

For the next build after Feature Freeze and/or UI Freeze a list of all integrated features has to be announced on the Dev-QA list

The list will be provided by Sun team

Also Features/UI changes which have missed this deadline will be announced in this list too (start discussion about shifting these features to next release)

The L10N teams should use the list to organize the translation of the new features

The QA teams can use the list for extending testing of the new features (Translations are only final and integrated for English and German)

Code Freeze

The next build after Code Freeze a list of all integrated features has to be announced on the Dev-QA list

The list will be provided by Sun team

Also Features/UI changes which have missed this deadline will be announced in this list (final agreements for integrating or shifting these features has to exist)

The translation of all new features can be tested in a separate L10N build or in the master build (a separate announcement for L10N testing)

At this point it is the last chance to stop new feature implementation

Release Candidate

For each Release Candidate the results of automated testing on that build will be announced in the Dev-QA list

Currently an unformal mail will be provided by Sun QA team (perhaps in the future a tooling on OOo can provided these list automatically)

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