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(IRC log extensions meeting 2008-7-31)
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[2008-07-31 10:21:28] <--| mdamboldt has left #ooo-ext
[2008-07-31 10:21:28] <--| mdamboldt has left #ooo-ext

Latest revision as of 01:30, 6 March 2010

[2008-07-31 10:01:54] [INFO] Now logging to <file:///Users/js93811/Library/Application%20Support/Firefox/Profiles/b7ss4v4y.default/chatzilla/logs/freenode/channels/%23ooo-ext.2008-07-31.log>.
[2008-07-31 10:02:00] <jsc> Hi good morning, it seems that is my pleasure today to take the minutes
[2008-07-31 10:02:35] <jsc> are we ready to start or should we wait some further minutes?
[2008-07-31 10:02:53] <b_osi_> Hi
[2008-07-31 10:02:57] <mdamboldt> Hi
[2008-07-31 10:04:42] <jsc> no opinions if we should start now or wait? ...
[2008-07-31 10:05:02] <b_osi_> start now
[2008-07-31 10:05:09] <jsc> ok, let us start with the AI's
[2008-07-31 10:05:27] <jsc> 3_2007-10-04: Propose workflow for localization of static content -> TBO/JSC
[2008-07-31 10:05:41] <b_osi_> done;
[2008-07-31 10:05:43] <b_osi_> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Extensions/website/Translating/source#Translation_process
[2008-07-31 10:05:44] <b_osi_> and currently doing it with 'vi' language
[2008-07-31 10:06:35] <jsc> so the next open point is the translation of the more dynamic extension specific content, right?
[2008-07-31 10:06:47] -->| rtimm (n=Ruediger@sd-socks-197.staroffice.de) has joined #ooo-ext
[2008-07-31 10:06:48] <b_osi_> yes.
[2008-07-31 10:07:05] <jsc> should i give you a new AI?
[2008-07-31 10:07:23] <b_osi_> ok.
[2008-07-31 10:07:45] <jsc> 2008_04_10_1: Ask Stella about putting the new branding from www.openoffice.org onto the extension site; Most important would be the banner on top. -> MD
[2008-07-31 10:07:45] <jsc> Any infos ?
[2008-07-31 10:08:05] <mdamboldt> This AI is still stalled. Due to limited ressources and a big number of other P1 issues, we had no time yet to work on this AI.
[2008-07-31 10:08:24] <jsc> ok, still stalled
[2008-07-31 10:08:44] -->| SunNF (n=Nils@nat/sun/x-aca90e45e712e1f4) has joined #ooo-ext
[2008-07-31 10:09:01] <jsc> 2008_04_10_2: What process to translate an extension itself 
[2008-07-31 10:09:01] <jsc> Laurent is not here so i expect no update. I will try to contact him later ...
[2008-07-31 10:09:50] <jsc> 2008_04_24: Give an overview of how to do this decoupling of translaition cycles and release and find out the opinion of other stakeholders, such as release management and the l10n team -> SunNF/JSC
[2008-07-31 10:09:50] <jsc> no info form my side but i assume Nils can give us some infos
[2008-07-31 10:10:55] <SunNF> Martin Hollmichel just did a proposal of how to do independent builds of extensions. Had not jet the time to look into this because I just received from vacation.
[2008-07-31 10:11:56] <jsc> ok, should we invite MH for our next meeting that he can give us an update or will you take care about it?
[2008-07-31 10:11:58] <SunNF> I asked him to take care that we include the independent translation issue into the proposal
[2008-07-31 10:12:08] <SunNF> I think so. Will talk to him.
[2008-07-31 10:12:41] <rtimm> SunNF: is that a public proposal?
[2008-07-31 10:12:48] <jsc> fine, then we are done with the AI's
[2008-07-31 10:12:48] <jsc> Round table ...
[2008-07-31 10:12:48] <jsc> some other topics from somebody?
[2008-07-31 10:13:00] <b_osi_> something to the template site: OsuOsl provided a host for the site this week.
[2008-07-31 10:13:02] <b_osi_> I'm currently waiting for Stefan T. for setting up templates.services.openoffice.org, to be able to use it.
[2008-07-31 10:13:04] <b_osi_> I can not use the site before this is not set.
[2008-07-31 10:13:06] <b_osi_> Do we agree to the name t.s.ooo?
[2008-07-31 10:13:50] <jsc> i think it fits in the current naming scheme. Not nice but we know the problems with the names.
[2008-07-31 10:14:12] <jsc> From my point of view it's fine
[2008-07-31 10:14:20] <mdamboldt> sonds ok
[2008-07-31 10:14:22] <SunNF> +1
[2008-07-31 10:15:01] <b_osi_> ok.
[2008-07-31 10:16:27] <jsc> Just to refresh my background  for translation of extensions itself.
[2008-07-31 10:16:27] <jsc> We wanted to do it if the extensions are hosted in the OO.org CVS and the project structure fits in our normal localization process, correct?
[2008-07-31 10:17:02] <jsc> ... at least in the first step
[2008-07-31 10:18:09] <jsc> the strings will be integrated in the normal process and the whole process is coupled with the proposal of MH
[2008-07-31 10:18:10] <SunNF> yes. OOo SCM hosted extensions also means OOO l10n community localized extensions. Thats what we also agreed upon with Pavel and Rafaella some time ago.
[2008-07-31 10:19:05] <jsc> yes, i just wanted to refresh my infos here because as you mentioned it was some time ago ;-)
[2008-07-31 10:19:56] <jsc> anything else?
[2008-07-31 10:20:20] <SunNF> nothing from my side
[2008-07-31 10:20:58] <jsc> 3 2 1 ...
[2008-07-31 10:21:16] <jsc> finished
[2008-07-31 10:21:20] <b_osi_> bye.
[2008-07-31 10:21:21] <mdamboldt> bye
[2008-07-31 10:21:24] <SunNF> bye
[2008-07-31 10:21:26] <--| SunNF has left #ooo-ext
[2008-07-31 10:21:26] <jsc> bye
[2008-07-31 10:21:28] <--| mdamboldt has left #ooo-ext
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