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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
20:39, 18 August 2012 AOO filling square.png (file) 24 KB Regina Explaining the gradient filling of a block arrow with gradient style "square". The pictures do not explain the real implementation, but illustrate why the arrow is filled this way. Created by Regina Henschel 1
19:23, 19 August 2012 SVG userSpaceOnUse.png (file) 2 KB Regina 45deg rotated linear gradient. The gradient is for all three objects in the same coordinate system. created by Regina Henschel 1
19:28, 19 August 2012 SVG objectBoundingBox.png (file) 2 KB Regina 45deg rotated linear gradient. Each object defines a coordinate system, where the bounding box is a unit "square", but the shapes appear scaled in their environment. created by Regina Henschel 1
19:31, 19 August 2012 AOO actual having size error.png (file) 4 KB Regina Each object uses its own gradient, but the unit is global. There seems to be an error in the actual implementation which make the gradient too large. created by Regina Henschel 1
20:06, 19 August 2012 EllipsoidExplanation.png (file) 16 KB Regina How the blending is applied to a rectangle for ellipsoid filling. created by Regina Henschel 1
20:18, 16 September 2012 Colorblending5steps.png (file) 2 KB Regina Linear and axial color blending in five steps, with no border and with border 40%. Generated by Regina Henschel 1
20:20, 16 September 2012 ColorblendingContinuous.png (file) 3 KB Regina Linear and axial color blending with 256 steps, without border and with border 40%. generated by Regina Henschel 1
21:32, 24 April 2013 GraphicPanel ColorTonalAdjustment.png (file) 22 KB Regina Screenshot of the Graphic panel, with remarks on the fields, which are used for color and tonal adjustments. created by Regina Henschel 1
21:49, 24 April 2013 ColorAdjustment InOutFunction Without filter.png (file) 4 KB Regina Illustrates the function from image pixel value to rendering value, if no filter is applied. created by Regina Henschel 1
21:56, 24 April 2013 Positive contrast adjustment InOutFunction.png (file) 6 KB Regina The image describes, which parts are use as dy and dx in the slope of the contrast input-output function. 1
22:00, 24 April 2013 Negative contrast adjustment InOutFunction.png (file) 6 KB Regina The image describes, which parts are use as dy and dx in the slope of the contrast input-output function. 1
22:10, 24 April 2013 Formula slope contrast.png (file) 18 KB Regina This image should be replaced with the tex formula, when it is avaible again. Its AOO formula text is slope=left lbrace matrix {128 over {128-contrast cdot 127}#" for "contrast>=0## {128 + contrast cdot 127} over 128#" for "contrast<0} right none 2
13:40, 28 April 2013 Color and Tone Adjustment Negative Luminance.png (file) 5 KB Regina Input-Output function for negative luminance. Author:Regina Henschel 1
13:42, 28 April 2013 Color and Tone Adjustment Gamma 2 Function.png (file) 7 KB Regina Input-Output function for gamma=2. Author:Regina Henschel 1
13:44, 28 April 2013 Color and Tone Adjustment Gamma 0 5 Gray Scale.png (file) 3 KB Regina Linear gray scale with gamma 0.5 applied. Author:Regina Henschel 1
13:45, 28 April 2013 Color and Tone Adjustment Gamma 1 Gray Scale.png (file) 411 B Regina Linear gray scale without gamma correction. Author:Regina Henschel 1
13:46, 28 April 2013 Color and Tone Adjustment Gamma 2 Gray Scale.png (file) 3 KB Regina Linear gray scale with gamma=2 applied. Author: Regina Henschel 1
16:06, 12 August 2013 PootleGuideA QuickTranslateExample2.png (file) 71 KB Regina Screenshot, Author: Regina Henschel 1
16:11, 12 August 2013 PootleGuideA QuickTranslateExample1.png (file) 54 KB Regina Screenshot. Author:Regina Henschel 1
16:13, 12 August 2013 PootleGuideB TreeView.png (file) 26 KB Regina Screenshot. Author:Regina Henschel 1
16:20, 12 August 2013 PootleGuide SearchField.png (file) 4 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
16:26, 12 August 2013 PootleGuide DownloadUpload.png (file) 4 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
16:31, 12 August 2013 PootleGuide TabPageOverview.png (file) 19 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
19:09, 12 August 2013 PootleGuilde ExtendedTipExample.png (file) 7 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
21:54, 13 August 2013 PootleGuide viewvc localizesdf.png (file) 37 KB Regina screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
11:14, 14 August 2013 PootleGuide PrepairForDownload.png (file) 48 KB Regina   2
11:19, 14 August 2013 PootleGuide Upload Anyone.png (file) 21 KB Regina Screenshot. Author:Regina Henschel 1
11:21, 14 August 2013 PootleGuide Upload Commiter.png (file) 31 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
15:33, 14 August 2013 PootleGuide OverviewDetails.png (file) 25 KB Regina Screenshot. Author:Regina Henschel 1
15:43, 14 August 2013 PootleGuide OverviewShowDetails.png (file) 33 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
15:50, 14 August 2013 PootleGuide PlaceholderCheckFail.png (file) 2 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
15:52, 14 August 2013 PootleGuide PlaceholderCheckExamineText.png (file) 16 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
16:00, 14 August 2013 PootleGuide FilterTypCheck.png (file) 5 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
14:28, 17 August 2013 PootleGuide TabPageTranslationWithMarkers.png (file) 36 KB Regina Mark for Wikipedia added. 3
14:30, 17 August 2013 PootleGuide TranslateInCommiterViewWithMarkers.png (file) 34 KB Regina Markers changed. 3
16:24, 19 August 2013 PootleGuide SearchFields.png (file) 7 KB Regina Screenshot. Author:Regina Henschel 1
20:25, 25 August 2013 PootleGuide BookmarkTag.png (file) 42 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel 1
22:17, 25 August 2013 PootleGuide Syntaxhighlight.png (file) 6 KB Regina Screenshot. Author:Regina Henschel 1
14:45, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide ImageTag.png (file) 23 KB Regina new version without spell-check marks. 1
15:16, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide ahelp.png (file) 17 KB Regina Sreenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1
15:23, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide selectSysMAC.png (file) 15 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1
15:26, 28 August 2013 PootleGuilde switchSysWINUNIX.png (file) 18 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1
15:28, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide SwitchAppImpressDefault.png (file) 12 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1
15:35, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide LinkWithoutNameAttribute.png (file) 14 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1
15:38, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide LinkWithNameAttribute.png (file) 11 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1
16:26, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide ExchangesDefaultCSS.png (file) 13 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1
16:42, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide EmbeddedVariable.png (file) 6 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1
16:50, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide SearchById.png (file) 17 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1
17:06, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide itemTypeLiteral.png (file) 21 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1
17:12, 28 August 2013 PootleGuide Placeholder.png (file) 28 KB Regina Screenshot. Author: Regina Henschel Category:Screenshots and Dialogs 1

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