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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<revisions rvcontinue="237000" />
<page pageid="23527" ns="0" title="Main Page">
<rev user="Pescetti" timestamp="2022-12-31T16:18:16Z" comment="Add link to Source code directories" />
<rev user="Pescetti" timestamp="2015-12-13T15:10:10Z" comment="Combine release and language pack download information" />
<rev user="Pescetti" timestamp="2015-12-12T22:09:22Z" comment="Remove obsolete ODF section" />
<rev user="Pescetti" timestamp="2015-12-12T22:08:10Z" comment="Update Software section" />
<rev user="Pescetti" timestamp="2015-12-12T22:05:59Z" comment="Update Participation section" />