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Specify the format parameter to change the output format.
To see the non HTML representation of the XML format, set format=xml.
See the complete documentation, or
API help for more information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page pageid="22341" ns="0" title="API/Concepts API changes">
<rev revid="245430" parentid="216214" user="Adailton" timestamp="2019-01-03T20:04:01Z" comment="" />
<page pageid="4313" ns="0" title="API/Effort/OpenOffice NetBeans Integration">
<rev revid="22636" parentid="22635" user="Jsc" timestamp="2006-12-28T12:53:53Z" comment="" />
<page pageid="4320" ns="0" title="API/FAQ">
<rev revid="245431" parentid="23684" user="Adailton" timestamp="2019-01-03T20:04:46Z" comment="" />
<page pageid="7466" ns="0" title="API/Implementation Details/Programmatic StyleNames">
<rev revid="245432" parentid="160890" user="Adailton" timestamp="2019-01-03T20:05:26Z" comment="" />
<page pageid="41821" ns="0" title="API/Incompatible API changes">
<rev revid="234559" parentid="216216" user="Od" timestamp="2014-03-18T10:25:36Z" comment="/* OpenOffice 4.0 */" />
<page pageid="13421" ns="0" title="API/PDF export">
<rev revid="72786" parentid="0" user="Arielch" timestamp="2008-04-07T20:24:43Z" comment="[[API/PDF export]] moved to [[API/Tutorials/PDF export]]:'s more like a tutorial about how to work with API to export to PDF." />
<page pageid="7694" ns="0" title="API/Samples">
<rev revid="247431" parentid="106833" user="DiGro" timestamp="2021-01-29T13:26:39Z" comment="" />
<page pageid="7899" ns="0" title="API/Samples/All Language">
<rev revid="43486" parentid="0" user="Lgodard" timestamp="2007-08-25T12:09:49Z" comment="[[API/Samples/All Language]] moved to [[API/Samples/Any Language]]" />
<page pageid="7898" ns="0" title="API/Samples/Any Language">
<rev revid="245429" parentid="43485" user="Adailton" timestamp="2019-01-03T20:02:31Z" comment="" />
<page pageid="7696" ns="0" title="API/Samples/Cpp">
<rev revid="247526" parentid="245433" user="DiGro" timestamp="2021-01-30T16:57:24Z" comment="/* Office */" />
<continue gapcontinue="API/Samples/Groovy" continue="gapcontinue||" />